Parenting & The Core Wounds

Have Questions? Connect with Allura

Join the 12 Week Parenting Connection Mentorship


Begins first week of May


What is the Parenting Connection Mentorship?

This 12 week deep dive will completely restructure how you approach your parenting and your relationship with yourself.

Your child is a conduit into the places within yourself where you are still needing to receive healing and completion from your own childhood.

The mentorship is a rare opportunity to take three months to devote to designing the relationship you desire and reprogramming the parts that are not in alignment

  • It will dive deep into your fear and pain, emotional addiction, separation patterns and looping.
  • It will safeguard the connection you have withĀ your childĀ for a lifetime.
  • It will realign communication patterns so you can hear and be heard.
  • It will remove your fear and return you to love.
  • It will remind you of the impact and influence you have with your child without punishment, praise, shame or denial.
  • You will no longer feel feel alone or unsure in the parenting journey.
  • It will dive deep into your own fear and pain, emotional addiction, separation patterns and looping.
  • A whole new level of support awaits

Why itā€™s unique:

Your child is a conduit into the places within yourself where you are still needing to receive healing and completion from your own childhood.

It will create a shift in consciousness and a new level of internal safety within yourself.

This will have a radically loving impact on how your child experiences you and their own internal connection.

You will learn processes you can use to connect with yourself and your child for decades to come.


Powerful Meditations

Meditations are a very important element of the program.

Try the Inner Child Healing Meditation for you and your child here...


The Parenting Connection Container

Video Poster Image

You will receive:

Over 12 powerful weeks together you will receive:

  • Weekly online session where each of you get to share and work through your parenting challenge and receive personalised support

  • Weekly information, exercises and challenges to give you an understanding of this work you can use for a lifetime

  • Direct messaging access to Allura for real time support

  • New quantum meditations each week to reset your nervous system and to expand your consciousness

  • A community of like minded parents to support you and your family

  • A one-on-one parenting hour long parenting deep dive with Allura upon sign-up

The program begins the first week of May.

A time and day for sessions that suits all participants will be organised as a group.


What's Included

Below is the outline for the 12 week course and masterclass topics:


This Program Is For You If...

  • You are stuck in patterns of judgement, criticism or fear about your child
  • You feel unheard and disrespected
  • You understand the importance of your role as a parent but lack confidence
  • You can see your child is struggling but you don't know how to help
  • You want to have a calmer, happier parenting experience
  • You are ready to dive into your own inner pain and fear about how your kids are turning out
  • You don't know how to deal with sibling rivalry or conflictsĀ withĀ yourĀ child

12 Week Parenting Connection Mentorship

Secure your spot by selecting one of the payment plans below:

Payment Option 1


12 Weekly payments


Payment Option 2


24 Weekly Payments


One week deposit will be taken from your account and the remainder of payments once the course commences.

One-time payment option available upon request.

About Allura

Mum of three Allura has developed a life changing modality understanding how the core wounds of feeling unloved, unworthy and unknown keep us trapped in a limited experience of reality. She takes a multidimensional approach to releasing these core wounds and creating an experience of internal wholenessā€¦ that changes everything.

She has studied non-violent communication, the principles of Aware Parenting, has trained teachers at schools and developed well being programs for students.

Allura understands that the early years lay the foundations for the unconscious beliefs that inform the rest of the childā€™s life.



"Allura is like the most loving and supportive mother / sister you could ever ask for. Iā€™ll be forever grateful for her support and unwavering love throughout this journey. And for bringing me so much acceptance and contentment.
For anyone currently parenting who feels isolated, fearful, stressed, in pain, out of control, or even just u happy - I highly recommend completing a parenting mentorship with Allura.
My programming and generational trauma was so deeply ingrained, there is no way I could have healed it without her. It has also helped me to understand my own parents, and their parenting styles. Which has been so deeply healing in itself.
Allura gives you the space, the support, and the understanding that us parents (especially mums) need to be completely honest. And through true honesty and connection, we can start to understand our behaviour and emotions, and heal.
Our children are so precious, and they deserve all of the love, support, and safety that we can give them"

Cass, Mum of 3


"Iā€™ve worked with a lot of mentors, Allura can only be described as a game changer for me.

She approaches things differently to most, getting to the true core of habits and beliefs - creating REAL and long lasting change.

The work she does rips you open, in order to create DEEP change. She gives you the tools to create change for yourself, rather than needing others to help with this, mentoring you gently the whole way through.

She has challenged me like no other and gifted me results like no other. She has opened my eyes to viewing situations in a completely new light. Always focusing on me and how I show up vs anything external.

I continue to invest in her as a mentor, as I love who I am becoming having worked with her.

The investment is worth every cent.

My husband says that she is the first coach heā€™s seen results on the outside - through my behaviour & presence vs the internal changes Iā€™ve described with other mentors that have not been as visible to him.

I am so thankful that I said yes to working with her. And so thankful for the way she has challenged me and held me whilst doing so. I am so grateful for all she has gifted me"

Danielle, Mum of 2


"Working with Allura is honestly a life changing experience!!!!
Her core wound mentorship program takes you on an incredible journey, giving you access to tools that help you move through layers that take you to depths of your consciousness that are truly inspiring!
Nothing is ever the same; every relationship, interaction & perspective is different and it transforms your life in many different ways!!!!
Put just all makes sense!!!
I cannot recommend Allura enough, I have never worked with someone like her. I will forever be grateful for her support & guidance. I cannot wait to continue to work with her!"

Magda, Mum of 3


"Allura was always so graceful and loving when holding space for me and always available for support in between our 1:1 calls. I completed this programme feeling more of ME, fully expressed and multi-dimensional. I no longer need to fracture and separate from myself every time Iā€™m tested in this 3D reality. I can let things go and not constantly ā€˜swingā€™ in the duality.
There is so much spaciousness and expansiveness, joy and rest in the spaces Iā€™ve now created to exist in. I feel more freedom and peace than I have ever known. Iā€™m so grateful"

Cat, Mum of 3

Experience the Inner Child Meditations
for You and Your Child

Parents Inner Child Meditation

Parenting Connection Mentorship
Parents Inner Child Meditation

This meditation is for you to connect with the younger version of yourself who felt unsafe, unloved, unworthy and unknown. This powerful connection allows you the opportunity to create safety in your own nervous system, when you do so you have more capacity for the connection. At the end of the meditation you are invited to connect with your own child and create emotional safety in that relationship also. This is a very healing, transformational experience.

Inner Child Meditation for Children

Parenting Connection Mentorship
Inner Child Meditation for Children

This meditation is for your little one to connect with themselves. They will go on a journey back to their younger version and tell them they are enough, understood and loved. As they develop a relationship with the younger version of themselves they can begin to support themselves in healthy, loving ways. Your child should never be forced to do this mediation and may need to do it a few times over before they are able to listen to the whole thing.

Disclaimer: This meditation should never take the place of your support and professional help if needed.